A documentary performance project with refugees in Greek military camps.
This project’s proposal is to stimulate and coordinate the artistic creation by using tools of physical theatre, work with the voice, and photo and documentary video. The obtained material is combined in a collective creation in the form of performance, audiovisual exhibition or performative installation, according to the wishes of the participants.
The objective is that the participants take ownership of their creative processes in order to stimulate the development of their individual motivations and the resources available; to recall their right to be and exist and to try to reach their full potential, despite the circumstances. This is vital for the emotional and mental survival of the people who have been condemned to live in basic makeshift camps.
The importance of showing the results of the creative process in the situation of the people in refugee camps is evident: They really need to be able to tell their stories, motivations, frustrated expectations and dreams, of being heard and seen. But this mise en scene is not only beneficial for them. It also gives us back a cruel image of our ruthless mercantile societies, which could be useful for unmasking them. Eventually this would give us the chance of eradicating extermination among human beings.
Extreme Experiences Performance
Part of the El Clásico festival organised by La Liga, Mediapro, Opencultural Center and Intervolve in Thessaloniki April the 23rd, 2017
Idea, texts and acting: Escosirak, the theatre group of Nea Kavala
(subtitles under CC)
Welcome video
Escosirak’s welcome video for new people coming to Nea Kavala, March 2017 (subtitles under CC).
Welcome Performance
Escosirak’s welcome performance for new people coming to Nea Kavala, March 2017.
See previous work with the group Escosirak
With the co-financing of more than 110 people, among others:
DanielGrinberg, Ana María Lazarini, JRV, Carlos Calvo, anneline köhler juul, Mick Traen, Laurencia, Oscar Laser, Lis Brun Petersen, Leonora Faigón Schprejer, María Tejeda, Reinaldo Ribeiro, Martina, Damian Edery, Alberto Chiappe, Marta Sanromà Comellas, Felix Hoch, Liliana Elstein Schwartz, Martín Servi, Cri, Pilar López, Anders Riis-Hansen, Santiago – Stern, Diego Chiappe, Knud Riishøjgård, Andrew Grant, Mario Seminara, Marcus Oller Duran, Jordi Carner Pujol, Kehler-Quist, adrianspoel, veronika sufuentes, Alcides GODANO, Valerie Pellet, tristan, Carmen Romero Velasco, oriol, sigrid ana kolmannsperger herranz, Laura Tovo, Isabel Andrés Portí, Tobias, Mª Carmen Martínez, Buxtorf, Cecilia Fernandez Samar, Javier cura, Mette Martinussen, Elisa Fossi, Devorah Korek, Manuel Gonçalves Granada, nuria nava, patrick traub, Julián Fábregas, Bori Centro Zen, Vera Livia García, Cristina Blanco Gual, Maria Consuelo Peñas, dilan, Susana Balcells, Elen, alfred decker, jerome bichsel, Monica Gil de Muro, voytoloco, Susanna, JUDIT CASTANYS, Sterpetti, Lluïsa Vilageliu, Dani El Segondo, ferran petit lopez, Milagros Gerli, Núria Prats Espar, Steen, Eulàlia Castanys Jarque, Cristina Nolla, María Concepcion Gutiérrez Zúñiga, Jacob Cold, Carlos Collado, Esther Freixa, Jacob teglgaard, Blanca Azqueta Oyarzun, Clemens Santüns, Jonay Izquierdo Trujillo, sebastian ferraris, Mamen Salvador, Laia Capdevila, tulamalinche, Mariana Lo Sasso, Carola Ortiz, Arne Schaefer, Bana Banana, Graciela Almallo Glikmann, lena, Elia Bernaus, Alexandre, Nuno Catharina Pedersen, nadja, Christian, Edvard Lammervo, Hoffmann, Albert Garcia Saurí, Szpunberg, yanina, Lucas Mac Guire, Judith Sánchez Guerra, Nad Rot, Mónica Puga Lombardo, Mikkel Carlsson, sonia lanuza, Emilie Bendix, Eleanor Stewart, Mauro Bianco, Belinde Steve, Malen Zapata, Peter Merrick, Pantelis Kiziridis … And many others just as important!
With suport from the NGO We Are Here